First dot-voting experiment on roadmap priorization

After the first round of dot voting, and give the feedback you shared at last gobal zoom meeting, I did the following changes:

  • shared the outcome of last curation meeting here: Priorities for April > June 2018 (Q2)
  • archived the dot votes for Q2 and locked tab and did some changes in the full model tab that we use for next priorization in the spreadsheet:
    • put in black the cells of items already prioritized (you shouldn’t prioritize again, should avoid confusion)
    • changed the Q1 priorities still doing in Q2 for Q2 to update so that you see all what we are still working on in Q2
  • amended a bit the above process to organize an open zoom session when we launch the dot voting process to enable anyone who has questions on some items or on the process to ask them to icebox curators team (could be done in global zoom meeting potentially)

If you have any other feedback on the dot voting / priorization process please share them @Kirsten @tschumilas @NickWeir @lin_d_hop @CynthiaReynolds @sauloperez @enricostn and others

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