Enabling meta keywords to help with product search

Our UK users want to improve the product search function by enabling the meta keyword functionality that seems to be dormant at present. (see UK forum here)
We want, when setting up a new product or editing an existing product, to be able to input key words as metatags that would come up in a search. For example if you are selling ‘greetings cards’ you could put these words in the meta keyword field and not have to put these words in the product description for every card you want to sell.

We are interested to hear from anyone who;

  1. can tell us what the history of these meta keywords (see screenshot) are and what they were intended to do? @Kirsten ?
  2. might be interested in co-budgetting at least the initial speccing of what it would take to enable this function @MyriamBoure @tschumilas @jveilleux ?

Thanks all

Until we have the ability to inspect individual products/variants it doesn’t make sense to include these fields in SEO.
But as Nick points out this is the perfect space to add hidden search terms that can aid our users in improving searches without clogging up the product names.

I would recommend that we only use the “Meta Keywords” field for this. That we leave the “Meta Description” and perhaps use translations to change the name such that this is a field we can use for SEO later on.

Thus the scope of this work is to include “Meta Keywords” in the OFN Product Search on the shopfront level.
Let me know if any questions :slight_smile:

@NickWeir this has not been asked by any user in France, and we have lots of things asked by our user which are higher priority for us (like subscriptions v2.0), so I don’t think we will be able to cobudget on that one :wink:
From our experience in Frace with the products category fitler + search box you can cover most of the searches, but I understand that in some big hubs with thousands of products those search tools might not be efficient enough… But I’m wondering if the solution is to use such meta tags and enable search in those tags, or improve the menu system and enable sub menus for instance… that’s a request we have by some users who would like to be able to organize their products in their shop in a more flexible way… but probably another discussion :wink:

@MyriamBoure for sure it would be good to explore better categorisation but that is a big task.
This is a ‘Rubies for Newbies’ type issue so really not worth cobudgeting :slight_smile:
I think this will be useful into the future regardless of when/how we manage categorisation.

I think anything that helps buyers find the products they are after is a step forward. I’m frequently asked about how OFN will help with this - so I think using these meta keywords is useful.

just a quick ping to @enricostn and @sauloperez to check this against spree 2.0 or later e.g. to not build reliance on fields that might disappear or significantly change . .