Deploying OFN - Scripts and Instructions

Deployment scripts are found here -

There are some relevant pages on the github wiki (,-seeding,-and-importing-data) but also quite a few that are very out of date. We will migrate and update docs, so that we have deployment instructions in both spots . .

Setting :sweat_smile:

I’m trying to git clone but I get an error:

Cloning into ‘ofn_deployment’…
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

Any help? @openfoodnetwork @Kirsten @gnollet Thanks!

@alvarosaco, could you try git clone ?

I did it to download the package to my server.

Now yes. Thanks @gnollet.
I updated the wiki page with the correct git command.

well beyond me I’m afraid, but @maikel or @rohanm should have some ideas - possibly even able to point you to delightful new documentation . .

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Thank you for the update. I think we need only your version, not the old command. I changed that in the wiki.