Delivery circle meeting notes May 4th

1. Current view of roadmap

Finished since last meeting

  • Map improvements was merged and deployed! :tada:

  • The Rails upgrade is almost there!

In play - Core Pipe

Contributor in play

In play - Funded pipe

We’re scheduling a meeting to discuss the product strategy.

2. Next Up

Ready To Go

@Jana created an epic issue per step in the checkout and @jibees well look at size of these issues. This is now waiting for a kick-off. We need to see when it makes sense to start working on it depending on @Matt-Yorkley 's work on adjustments.


Note: Unit Price in Bulk Editing (=Product List Page) is on hold because of the Product List Page UI Uplift (@jibees )

  • Improved reporting - Updated: a meeting with (@Erioldoesdesign + @Rachel ) took place: A further meeting is to be organized with the devs and check if the tech side is feasible; Some design specific tasks are also up next (requires user feedback)

Ready for Inception

(no changes on this section this week)


  • Networking pt 2 The continuation of this work will wait until @Mario returns.
    • Eriol reaching out to Mario (via Email) and Kirsten; awaiting feedback.

In play - Core Pipe (encore)

  • #4207 Order List Filters
    There was a discussion there. @Jana and @sauloperez should both take a look.

  • #7460 Subscription test coverage
    We’ve got a contribution on subscription’s specs but that’s not exactly what we wanted and it doesn’t seem like he’ll be able to get back to it. Filipe will point him out to an easier issue.

  • #7256 – It seems the contributor got back to it and answered to code review. We’ll give him so more time.

  • #ofn-data/issues/50: would probably require a postgres upgrade (Matt); would it be possible to synchronize data data using chronjob (would need to be done at different times). It wasn’t picked up yet and we understand it’s a lower priority compared to payments bugs.

  • #6417 – Possibly stock is being re-set (from users or admins)? Hypothesis needs to be checked. #notabugafeature (@apb @lin_d_hop )

  • #6038 – We’ll wait a few days to see whether and how this bug occurs in production (@sauloperez ). The weekly release cycle makes these issues that need more insights take quite some time to fix. They need to wait for multiple deployments.

  • #7509 – This issues, if it happening in production, sounds more like and S1. @sauloperez we’ll take a look at it.

@Matt-Yorkley had a very productive day and there are a bunch of PRs from him that need review.


Order states
@filipefurtado shared a table on Slack with all the used states from Metabase. The aim is to see whether or not some states can be removed. Some are partially hidden in the UI and this leads to many and weird bugs. Understanding and unifying them feels like a good thing to do.

We’ll start a document and work on it async. We want to give a product and holistic perspectives. @filipefurtado will describe each one and what their transitions represent, without dev input.

No news. Scheduling the product strategy meeting as agreed. We’ll share a Doodle to do that.

Tues 11th May at 7PM GMT
Someone to facilitate and Eriol to take notes.

Thanks for the notes @sauloperez :heart: It’s super nice to read when you cannot join meetings! Just a quick comment on:

Tax Reports (@lin_d_hop + @Matt-Yorkley) - The rocket is still on the launch pad. Blocked by adjustments. Considering how long tax report has been broken, users must have worked around it already. It may not be the most important thing to do next.

There are no workarounds to rounding problems :frowning: . Big hubs in FR are loosing around 500 euros each year on their VAT declaration.
As for the other type of data, they ask our support team to build a report, which is completely manual and full of copy paste. Yes this is a workaround but it makes us loose an insane amount of time, and it’s not scalable. So FR’s position is that this is still the next thing to do :slight_smile: I’d be curious to hear what instances like AU, UK, CA and US think, as they all took part in defining the shape of these new reports.

More generally on the process, I don’t think we can drop a bomb like this in the notes and not help instances managers to communicate about it. If this was really the team decision, then a communication plan should be offered. We cannot tell users “oh btw it’s been 4 months that we tell you Tax report is the next thing on our list, but as you’ve waited this long we think you don’t need it anymore, ciao!”. :smiley:

Can you give a bit more details? :pray:

I’m glad the notes helped, but they clearly need to be improved. That statement you refer to was just a thought @lin_d_hop shared. Nothing else. She might be able to tell you why she feels that way.

In any case, what you describe I believe is happening to all instances. At least, it does in Katuma.

:joy: Oh yeah that was an off hand comment simply based on us working around things in the UK and my frustration on behalf of the rocket. In the notes it looks like a real decision, rather than a throw-away comment.

I should just keep my mouth shut. I updated the notes.

Also we should clarify that notes are for decisions, not comments.

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hahaha please don’t!

All good then, thanks for clarifying! :heart: