1. Current view of the roadmap
Finished since the last meeting
- Releases unblocked to all servers. DelayedJob has been removed
In play - Core Pipe
Refactoring Adjustments: @Matt-Yorkley Last big piece is nearly done
Platform T&Cs for Shoppers: Still waiting on testing
Unit prices: Last remaining issue is in code review, removing the feature toggle still in testing. Another issue found
Split Checkout page - Discourse Post here , Inception Pipe Issue here kick-off meeting has occurred, found some complications with the proposed plans related to stage of checkout when card and payment details are recorded. @Matt-Yorkley to investigate technical options.
Deprecated Stripe connect - @Kirsten to raise with AU team in meeting.
OFN Styleguide 1: Still on pause
In-play - Funded pipe
Some budget confirmed. Hoping to prioritise first work in Discussion section.
In play - Contributor
- Question about password expiration time found by Mattieu. @Rachel will open an issue
- Some feedback needed on this draft PR to unblock Guido.
2. Next Up
Ready To Go
Tax Reports (@lin_d_hop + @Matt-Yorkley) - The rocket is bored on the launch pad. Blocked by adjustments.
Backoffice UI Uplift - phase 1 Paused due to too many priorities
- Improved reporting - Awaiting notes and next steps. Questions about how to address this work in terms of design. To be discussed more in product circle but no hurry due to many outstanding priorities.
Ready for Inception
(no changes on this section this week)
- History of invoice changes (@Rachel + ?) - Blocked by the work on adjustments
- Invoice number system (@Rachel + ?) - waiting for re-inception, but linked to history of invoice changes.
Server standardisation
- Jose’s work to be merged this week
to avoid more complexity.
- Seeking to continue bringing servers into the server pool.
- Kirsten would like Create Enterprises added to the list of useful endpoints
- Pau raised concerns about data consistency and performance across endpoints
- DFC authentication work can be funded so let’s prioritise this!
- Andy as given an estimation of 30hrs.
@apb - we discussed starting this from now. We need to discuss with you the proportion of your time but as a suggestion 25% (with the remaining 75% being all the core work - bugs, reviews, releases, community support etc). Let’s discuss on Slack - To track time we will make a separate project in Clockify for this work. We will want Code Reviews and Testing all tracked separate from the main pipe.
Exciting decision to welcome one of our contributors as a paid team member! Welcome @nihal
@Matt-Yorkley will pair
Tues June 8th at 6PM UTC
Facilitation: to define
Notes: to define