BUU update
- quick overview of what’s currently done
- most of what was planned for the beginning of Jan release is done or in progress
- [[BUU] Sticky table header and saving banner] has now been moved before editing images
Considerations on priorities related to BUU
- product refactor: 50% done, can be worked in parallel with BUU, if we have someone to work on it
- Matt was changing the old page and the new page, it would be the case for the remaining work, that might make it double work
- perhaps it’s better to finish BUU feature parity and then jump on product refactor
- tags as the next bit, the goal is to sunset inventory. tags are only available in inventory currently. if we introduce tags in product page, they would have to follow enterprise settings
People’s availability
- Ahmed is interested in potentially paid work, we might try some very scoped work if there’s budget
- just flagging we haven’t done a proper interview process
- we might try the bounty option, and also open it up for core contributors that might be interested
Dependencies in dev ready
- active merchant might need to be considered
- soon we’ll be updating roadmap, there’s a big chunk for next year for for tech debt
- these dependencies might be small, but there might be bigger ones to consider for the roadmap
- would be good to think about tech debt priorities before the end of the year
- David: something that stands up is replacing webpacker (not updated anymore) and upgrading the servers so that we can upgrade node. planning the web servers would be a good idea, would require coordination. Mikael has done it before. Gareth might be able to help too?
- there are also other items on the roadmap, like bye bye angular, to maybe review and assess
- the angular version we are using is deprecated
- maybe if there’s budget we can ping Xavi to check their availability
- there’s also some elements in the shopfront that are still using angular
- PR to fix DFC connector that was blocking
- currently trying to match product categories to DFC product types
- working on stripe testing and BUU testing
- priceless s2 fix
- on leave from the week after next, if there’s any PR that needs fixing, maybe queries can go to devs that are working, looking at code review column, and if testers find something please reach out to whoever is available