Delivery Circle - January 7th 2025

Discussion topics

Network 2.0

#13051 [Variant tags] Ability to add several tags to a variant and filter the product list

Tags are existing already, but can only be applied in Inventory (therefore shops become hubs to get access to it). Tagging should be enabled on the products page. It can be used to filter the list and reduce it to relevant products.
Input needed: Use a different name other than ‘tag’, but difficult to find. Maybe ‘filter tags’? Or work behind a feature toggle and enable for selected (skilled) users only? Discussion will continue async.

The Pipe



  • Did some cleanup of old unused code. :broom:
  • Did a spike on updating Ansible: Seems not too difficult to update it to a recent version. Second PR in Code Review, first one merged.
    That’s then unblocking a newer Ubuntu version (> 20).
  • DFC: Good work last year, then waiting for Code Review, now Testing is needed.
  • Will continue with DFC work.
  • #13036 DFC catalog syncs for blank cart will be tested by Maikel, most of DFC will be tested by Garethe.
  • A DFC demo would be nice for the Delivery Circle.


  • Involved in testing some DFC work as well.
  • Not too much on his desk currently.
  • Belgium server upgrade still open (waiting for them).
  • What’s next: #13055 As a shopper, I can have the option to add products to a previous order on the same OC, but review before starting work on it (Konrad, David).
    Clock against Flower Farms.
    Question: Which order will be added to, of there are more than one existing? Maybe add order details (customer or/and delivery address) to the pop-up? How to handle payments?



  • Working through Test Ready column