Delivery Circle - 8th August 2023

Discusion Topics

New Relic

Ready for deploying and testing on Australian production server.
Release process is unclear still - David probably knows

Priorities / Updates


  • a lot to test while Filipe is on holidays
  • suppport from Rachel would be nice, if possible
  • frustrated around testing schedules, messed up his setup, needs a break and will then get back to it (not highest priority)


  • finished setting up New Relic :muscle: and enjoyed Ansible scripts :partying_face:
  • some things around vouchers
    • merge fixing the error around moving between summary and cart page (#11117) first, then merge percentage vouchers (#10821), then fix percentage vouchers (issues to be created by Konrad)
  • finishing up an s3 (#11270)
  • next project: Discovery Endpoints #11242


  • finished tests regarding tax report by producer (#11013) :muscle:
    • some comments from Gaetan to be included
  • getting back to invoices, two PRs ready (#11219, #11354)
  • blocked on the issue around Non-empty orders in the cart state do not appear in orders page (#11348)


  • creating issues around invoice numbering :scroll:


  • working on product refactor, one was merged, one in test ready, one in code review
  • found something around product categories (multiple seemed to be possible), deleting that code :fire:
  • regarding #11196: currently there are js-errors in the console, should be gone after staging his PR