Delivery Circle - 5/6 November 2024

Discussion topics

How to proceed with Ubuntu upgrades:

i) Number of hours has been exceeded on this task - so for now, let’s go for UK and DE, as these are paid

ii) BE waiting to be upgraded as well (also paid)

iii) Ireland paid but did the upgrade themselves - we need to check back with them on this

iv) We need to be able to finance Ansible upgrade and OFN install to be able to upgrade Ubuntu to a version which has support, for a longer time (if we choose to go down this path)

v) we need a Discourse post, to clarify the situation - David to add some info on this:

→ Which servers would stop having support / when - would be great to have an overlook document on this; If possible, add an estimate for which upgrade (how many dev hours)

vi) As to the estimate on how to get to the latest version: that requires some decision making. So, we might need to re-write scripts to use Docker instead of Ansible (which requires an upgrade, too), together with other devs @maikel and @gaetan.

The Pipe

→ Test ready column - some PRs are hanging for a while now
@filipefurtado and @Rachel to have a look at them

@dcook :beer:

Focusing on server upgrades - Canada went live - yayy!
Starder working on UK and Germany, waiting for the OK from instance managers
So, things in Code Review will not
Bugsnag issue seems not critical
This week: UK and DE
Next week: BE
(Katuma and US still on Ubuntu 18)
AU-staging: would need upgraded as well, but would need some othere hosting service


Fixed an issue with the CA server
VINE Voucher PR completed
S2 assigned on shipping fees, to be completed
Bugsnag triggered by Hungarian instance, needs follow-up, related to a setup issue - probably not a priority, since it only happened once - will ping the instance to check configuration
Set up Metabase for Australia Vine staging and production server (useful to create an issue)
Some estimates to be done


No updates, testing what appears on the test-ready column and drafting releases