Delivery Circle - 26 November 2024

The Pipe


  • working on DFC orders
  • upgrading servers, 2hr spike to estimate the Ansible upgrade
  • other alternatives to Ansible are still a bit of a blank, so best to stick with it for now
  • Gaetan has a ready pull VINE integration - some changes to the data model, a bit of shoehorning, bit its working
  • US team is looking for funding (SNAP) a program to fund food-stamps. It should be similar to adding another payment gateway to the codebase, but this is something we have not done in a while (since Stripe SCA)
  • unclear if ActiveMerchant would work with it


  • worked on report bugs
  • text version are displaying different information order cycle report #12993
  • investigated bug #12995: should not have been introduced by product refactor (now moved to test ready)


Will test VINE integration on other staging servers and #12995


Will test VINE PR and work on product tagging. There are some decisions to take, so to be discussed on next delivery circle.

@dcook, via Slack

Upgrade Ubuntu (71h):

  • ca_prod finished waiting on access to change DNS for waterloo (additional service that was installed on the server)
  • uk_prod ready to switch over (delayed due to sickness)
  • de_prod ready to switch over (delayed due to sickness)
  • ie_prod complete
  • be_prod not started (need to follow up with new contact)
  • au_staging and prod: blocked because hosting doesn’t support Ubuntu 20. will look at options
  • us_prod: have all the access I need, ready to continue