1. Current view of the roadmap
Finished since the last meeting
In play - Core Pipe
- Split Checkout page - Discourse Post here . In progress; #8070 - Looks like potentially more back-end / rails work than perhaps expected. Need @Matt-Yorkley to handover what he’s done to @apb to finish, as Matt has too many things . .
- Deprecated Stripe connect - in code review
- OFN Styleguide : @jibees needs input from @Matt-Yorkley on Tailwind → no updates.
- Tax Report Here & Here (@lin_d_hop + @Matt-Yorkley) @Matt-Yorkley ready to start on this. Kick-off has happened
In-play - Funded pipe
Next step: DFC/OIDC Authentication – DFC Open ID connect: back to code review - kudos to @paco
In play - Contributor
- Translation on password changes (Missing translation key for expired token · Issue #5782 · openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork · GitHub) worked on by Mathieu. Still in play
2. Next Up
Ready To Go
- Backoffice UI Uplift - Phase 1 - Paused due to too many priorities
History of invoice changes (@Rachel + @Matt-Yorkley ) - Unblocked. Needs an in-depth meeting, when everyone is available.
- There are plenty of potential solutions and the best technical approach needs to be found and will be explored after Adjustments is complete.
Ready for Inception
- Invoice number system (@Rachel + ?) - waiting for re-inception, but linked to history of invoice changes.
- Improved reporting - We need to think about a general technical approach for this. Tax reporting might be a good a time for this however the overall improved reporting project will be worked on after History of Invoice changes.
- Networking Part 2
- Teaser: new stuff was prioritized and coming in soon!!
Global figure updates
Can @maikel please pull the global figures when back from leave
Reviewing the bug-severity system
Should this go on discourse so that we can discuss async? or at next meeting?
@apricot12 needs more things to do
- We need to work out how to upskill and get Nihal and @jibees able to pick up more load from Matt and Andy
- in the meantime, let’s amp up the papercuts and S3s. After papercut meeting tomorrow, every instance to select 2 papercuts so that he has plenty to run with. If we run out of papercuts we can build some in our priority areas!
Tuesday August 31st, 7am UTC
Moderation: @Rachel
Note-taking: TBC