Delivery Circle - 21 May 2024

Checking in on BUU progress

Priority is to remove Stimulus Reflex (currently on cloning and deleting button). Ana did not progress on this one and signaled the wish for a new task, as 1 day per week is tough for this specific task. HTML sanitizing could be an option or work on

Karla is still reporting performance problems on the page, maybe related to the buttons. Hard to tell, as we can’t reproduce the issue.

Ahmed, David an Mario caught up on BUU: Ahmed is working on [BUU] Don't reload whole table when deleting products or variants · Issue #12398 · openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork · GitHub

SR is on editing images as well. We might need to chat about prioritizing BUU over Ubuntu upgrade. @dcook : how would you feel about taking the edit image issue?

Ahmed: to take the delete button.

Added [BUU] Optimisation: long select lists repeated · Issue #12482 · openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork · GitHub to milestone, as it seems to relate to performance issues.

In addition to removing SR, and evenmtually fixing performance issues, the to do list is:

  • Columns
  • Getting specs ready
  • Ensuring we can enable users for testing

Deadline (ideally!): rolling out in June, so we can spot and fix bugs during the summer time (less orders). Avoid at all costs is releasing in September!! :biohazard:

Mario will be away

Mario will be on longer leave soon (a couple of months) :baby:

Discussion/work topics:

  • Network feature on product meeting
  • Product modal
  • Enhanced voucher functionality (see Design question on last point, below)

API Orders for Research project

Orders Work DFC could be used for 5 year research analysis for INRAE; In addition to the orders endpoint, we would need data anonymization and/or filtering out sensitive data.

We might not have resources to jump on that boat.

@Rachel @maikel to set up an issue. Perhaps Ana can work on this? :bulb:

Enhanced Vouchers functionality

City project will be able to redeem vouchers.

We have funds to be allocated on vouchers. Creating a voucher engine each with a particular code, which would enable customers to use vouchers only with a given authorization.

Question is: this is a functionality which we have not implemented. An idea would be to have an API call to this external system (an open source is being developed), instead of developing our internal solution.

This leads to the question: implementing (replicating functionality) vs. connecting with external apps (API).


Timeframe: maybe the external app would be started in July.

Design: This would need design, as each voucher would need some unique hash. This is something customers should not be able to see.

Hosting: Where is this being hosted? Performance-wise it might impact checkout

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