We mainly talk about current work:
@maikel has been working on specs for DFC orders and will move on to preparing staging servers for the Ubuntu upgrade along with looking at the compiling invoices s2
@dcook has worked on the s2 regarding customer data and is preparing dev and staging environment to default on the new admin UI ( see [BUU] Activate admin_style_v3 for dev, test and new servers · Issue #12627 · openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork · GitHub). This still needs some updated specs. After this, unless there are s2 on BUU, David will move on the Ubuntu upgrades, pairing with Maikel
@Gaetan is working on the product refactor but also fixed the reports “go” button, hopefully fixing the problem of users asking multiple times the same report
@Mario has worked on product preview, designs can be reviewed here: Producer can preview how products will appear in the store · Issue #64 · openfoodfoundation/wishlist · GitHub
@Rachel will cover testing this week with product refactor as priority