Delivery Circle - 19th Sep 2023


  • feedback was needed for 11155, now test ready
  • will start working on 11069 backoffice ui uplift
  • will finish with OFN soon, not sure if will be able to finish all of everything in dev
  • will review a few PR in All the things column that might need to be closed


  • got 11062 ready for dev
  • might start looking into mobile version of product list soon


  • just got back from leave
  • will look into new issues for invoices, can also pick up Enterprise fees with tax report here
  • there’s also some voucher bugs s2 in dev ready, might ask Gaetan if he was going to pick them up


  • need to finish off New Relic, will be focusing on that this week


  • picked up some specs, now merged
  • bulk invoice test, can be scratched off
  • progressed on tests on invoices, unit level
  • 11479 - wouldn’t get quicker build, agreed on splitting specs files, might pick it up again this week


  • working on s2 11364, still a bit more work to do on it
  • next on list is discovery endpoints

11521 - variants without price
JB suggested to user to add price to variants, but unsure how is it possible that there are variants without a price, might be happening somewhere else. @rachel suggested to do a query on the db to check if there are any others where it’s NULL

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