Delivery Circle - 12th Sep 2023 🥚


Server upgrade

How long to kick the can down the road, before everything falls apart?
Is Node Upgrade blocked by Servers? It seems it probably is.
But we don’t have funding to pick this up right now.


@Mario Backoffice UI Uplift: good ideation session for Mobile product list, am going to work on new issues.

Product links kick-off yet to happen.

BUU: One issue in dev (tweaking). Plenty to do.
Need to go back through S3 issue.
Blocked on admin reports: customer address. May need to call Rachel.

Working on BUU
Tax report almost ready to merge (hidden). Filipe to create new issue for next part, and assuming Mohamed to pick that up when back.

@Gaetan working on vouchers

Discovery endpoint still in discussion.

Where are we at with New Relic?
Not exactly sure… but:

  • Matt to have a look this week
  • Looks like Maikel got stuck with Ansible

@Matt-Yorkley fixed some product import regressions.
To focus on moving New Relic this week.

@filipefurtado working on flaky spec

Monitoring our APIs

i) simple script to check for api spec changes. DC to try for next release
ii) second part is more complicated.

Of course, we assume all new endpoints (eg DFC) to be fully specced.
As Rachel mentions, we still do end up with gaps even in new specs, so just be aware (eg unit tests for invoices).

@konrad waiting for feedback.
For Primary Taxon; decision is to move forward and raise minor issue separately.

Also, pray for money :dollar:

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