Delivery Circle - 11 June 2024

Product refactor

@Gaetan Spending time rebasing, almost done on current PR.
Estimate approx 4 days left!
When PR is ready for testing, please prioritise it and avoid merging unnecessary PRs to avoid further conflicts


  • @dcook almost done for Columns.
  • @chahmedejaz currently working on Clone
    Banner style fix will need to be picked up, but hopefully a quick fix.

Getting close to releasing.
@Rachel to do a preliminary priority order of BUU2 tasks, so that we can see which tasks Mario needs to add designs.
Need to finish soon due to budget constraints.


@maikel have n8n workflows all working.
Next is to change labels and maybe layout.

DFC orders

Can do some little bits and pieces, but cannot complete the final integration.

Reports [Infinite Loader]

A PR ready, let’s see how it goes when released.

Ana has progressed HTML sanitise.

DFC anonymized orders data endpoint (INRAE)

Need to allow users to opt in/out. Plan is to upgrade to allow multiple Connected Apps.