Delivery cicle meeting notes November 30th

Current release

Filipe is currently testing it, it should be ready soon.

Board overview

Code review

JB’s question were sorted out and the board / issues were updated accordingly.

In Dev

@jibees @apricot12 FYI you are both on s3 that might be handled by the same part of the code.

OIDC / funded feature

@paco is on it. An update should be available soon.


We talked about our onboarding process and where to store the documents. They have been added to the hiring channel topic for now.

@achauve you should have received an invitation to Bitwarden.

A new round of s3 selection will be launched. Meanwhile, some others coming from previous s2 were better documented and are ready to be pickup, alongside the first papercuts that have been selected.

About this meeting : we are not ready to assess yet if the new format works, but all comments are welcomed!

Testing/Merging Process

We’ve agreed that testers will merge pull requests, after these have passed all manual test (Test Ready on ZenHub). The Ready to Go column should still be kept as it will accommodate tested releases, prior to deployment.