Deleting Items and Fees From an Order

As a Food Hub manager, if I need to adjust quantities or prices of an order after a customer has placed it, I can edit their order using the orders tab and the system automatically recalculates any associated fees. However, if I delete this item altogether, the associated fees remain on the order - I have to remember to delete these fees separately as well.

Was the system designed this way, or is this an oversight? I can see the odd circumstance where it might be useful to have the item and the fees treated as separate entities, e.g. if a customer cancels a partucular item after the hub has already incurred processing or delivery fees for this, and they want to still pass it onto the customer. But on the most part this is relying on hub managers being eagle eyed and remembering to delete associated fees if, for example, and item isn’t delivered by a producer or they run out of stock.

I think this is probably an error, @oeoeaio and @maikel do you remember when we did this if there was a reason we might not delete fees? If not, can we make this a github issue . .

Hi @mags and @Kirsten,

There is a button at the bottom of the order editing page that says ‘Update and Recalculate Fees’. If you click that after deleting an item with fees it should remove the orphaned fees from the order. Does this not work for you?

@oeoeaio Yes that does work, thanks! Sometimes it’s not obvious when you do or don’t have to click the final button - I think we’d assumed if things were deleted from the screen that was it. Will pass this back to our hub coordinator who raised it.