Continuing the discussion from Overview: End to end OFN Product Development Process
Curating the ideas into the Icebox
Definition of Icebox: a place to store things that are of value but not yet prioritised to be built.
All the ideas that are developed by the community need to be curated into a list of “items” (one per idea) that are easy to read/understand, follow a common template, and can be eventually selected for inclusion in the Product Development Backlog.
Creating Icebox Items
Who can create them:
- Lynne @lin_d_hop
- Kirsten @Kirsten
- Myriam @MyriamBoure
- Enrico @enricostn
- Pau @sauloperez
- Theresa @tschumilas
- Cynthia @CynthiaReynolds
- Nick @NickWeir
(Current list as of December 2017)
Where they are created and managed:
They live here in the Community channel within the #product-dev:icebox category.
Eventually, once the idea has been prioritised, scoped, and built, the Icebox item will be archived and therefore removed from the list.
Also when an icebox item is created it is added to the general roadmap spreadsheet to be eligible for priorization (see below).
What form should they take:
The information required for an Icebox Item is set out in sections:
- What is the need / problem
- Who does it impact
- What is the current impact of this problem
- What is the benefit in focusing on this
- Links to more detail
- Potential solutions that will solve this problem
Note: The template is connected to the #product-dev:icebox category, and therefore will show up when you select this category for your new topic.
How much detail is required:
Not too much at this stage of the process. The Icebox Item needs to be succinct and concise, with just enough information to be able to paint a picture of why it is important. This makes it easier to understand and prioritise these items quickly and without too much reading required. This is why we require links to any further information, so that if you want to you can deep dive into the detail but you don’t have to.
When we talk about these items:
Each month at the OFN Global Hangout there will be a standing agenda item for the group to discuss any new Icebox Items, or to request one to be created if you are not one of the listed curators.
How do we identify Icebox Items that are important
It is the responsibility of the people who create the Icebox Items to also vote for the ones they feel are a priority over the others. To do this:
Each person has up to 10 votes to spread across all the items in the Icebox. It is your responsibility as a voter to only ever have a maximum of 10 votes. You can put 1 vote against 10 items, or you could put 3 on 1 item, or even up to 10 on 1 item. So long as in total you have no more than 10 votes, you can do whatever you like.
The process to add your vote is described on this page.
These votes will be used by the Product Curator group to determine what should go onto the Product Feature Backlog, so choose wisely, and be sure to vote. If you are not on the Icebox Creator list but want to have a say, please get in touch with one of the Creators who can represent you