Hi! From what I read, I understand that Zappier is being used at the instance level. No one specific feature for hubs or producers, am I right? @lin_d_hop
Investigating about future integration odoo-spree(OFN) (we will talk about that in our next Katuma assembly next Friday) I found https://cenit.io I think is similar to Zappier but Open Source so more customizable. Does anyone know about this tool?
Just posting to leave a written record 
that’s very interesting / exciting @sseerrggii! I quickly checked and there aren’t yet supported integrations for the key acocunting packages that we’re connecting with - Xero, Quickbooks and MYOB, but there are for mailchimp and google sheets (the other things currently in use to my knowledge). I would definitely see this as ‘yes and’ - so we continue using Zapier for the things that it’s doing for us right now out of the box and for free (as non-profits). But if we / you are actually working on api / integration layers that don’t already exist (as for odoo) it would seem to be far preferable to be doing it into this open source system? No reason we couldn’t then have both connected to an instance (as far as I know) and eventually move them all over if when supported / makes sense to do so. Any thoughts @lin_d_hop @MyriamBoure @sylvain [Simon doesn’t seem to be on discourse? someone want to add him?]