What is the need / problem ?
Some hubs would love to dedicate stripe payment to their home delivery service only.
Orders that are delivered have sometimes less adjustments than orders that are picked-up. It would be good to be able to say Payment method B shows up only if shipping method A was selected by the buyer".
Who does it impact ?
Hubs with several shipping options
What is the current impact of the problem ?
Currently some hubs are using stripe more than they want to. And stripe is expensive.
What is the benefit of focusing on this ?
Potential solutions that will solve the problem ?
[brainstorming to list feature candidates]
Selection of a feature candidate
[value x ease matric if needed]
T-shirt size of our selected feature candidate
Metrics to measure if need is satisfied after feature is implemented
Feature owners
Epic/projet where you can follow implementation
Connected wishlist and discovery discussions*
[list precedent discussions]