Backoffice Product List table user interface uplift

This is the first of a series of explanatory posts to present and get feedback on the proposed designs for the Backoffice UI uplift.
The goal for these posts is to share the current thinking and receive inputs for further assessment and refinement before we commit to a solution that gets prioritized in product curation and built as part of the delivery pipeline.

:pray: Every question, comment and recommendation is welcome, and highly valued. You can also reach out directly over the slack project channel - #backoffice-ui-uplift

How to use the prototypes

  • prototypes are not working software, but a series of images stitched together. Don’t worry, there’s nothing to break in there

  • they are not fully functional. Only certain areas are clickable, you can see a blue visual hint that indicates that you can interact with that area

  • you can also follow through by watching the video and use the prototype at the same time

1. Producer - create first product

  • Landing experience for a new producer opening the product section of the backoffice
  • Creating the first product (no changes)
  • Viewing the product list table for the first time

:point_right:t2: :point_right:t2: :point_right:t2: PLAY WITH PROTOTYPE

Thank you :green_heart:

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