Open Food Network has 3 types of Users
Super-Admin: each deployment / instance of OFN can create one or more Super-Admin users who can see all the information of all the users etc. They can create and delete users and enterprises, change permissions, manage roles and relationships etc. If you are setting up the Open Food Network as a super-admin user, we highly recommend that you are in close contact with us. Email: hello @
Basic Users: People who browse and buy food are Customers. They can checkout as a guest or sign-up as a User.
Enterprise Users: are the Owners and Managers of all of the enterprises that contribute to the production, sale and distribution of food.
For more info about User types (and how to establish them) see Managing Users.
There are different TYPES of Enterprise
‘Enterprises’ are all of the entities that contribute to the production, sale and distribution of food. Enterprises can be producers, producers with their own shops, food coops, wholesalers and independent food retailers etc.
Under the banner of Enterprise Users, there are a number of enterprise types, or distinctions, that affect the functionality available to that Enterprise on the OFN. The diagram below explains the different enterprise types.
Find out more about Managing Enterprises here.
There are different User Guides that outline different set-up requirements for these Enterprises. Profiles for Producers and Store/Hub only are fairly straight-forward, so guides are provided for: