Hiya @stveep,
Hows this coming along? Maybe you’ve progressed since you wrote this but if not…
In answer to your questions about users, you are right that we want to test the functionality with more than just admin level users.
To get a flavour of the user and enterprise types have a look at: Users and Enterprise Types
I’m not sure if this will be useful in your case, in other testing I have done I have created a user and an enterprise then assigned the user to have an enterprise_role.
enterprise = create(:distributor_enterprise)
enterprise.enterprise_roles.create!(user: user)
I suspect that the issue is more likely to do with setting up the test than the implementation, but you could always confirm that to yourself by logging in as an enterprise manager and testing that your functionality still works.
If you have a pull request I could do a code review on it if that would be helpful? Obviously Rohan will have more to offer than me but if nothing else it’ll help my learning