Currently in ‘Shop Now’ section:
- It seems that only the enterprise’s own shop is displaying. This could be a producer shop, or a hub shop.
- The Open/Closed status is correctly determined by whether an OC is open.
- If a producer has granted an (ANY) hub P-OC, there’s no ‘Shop Now’ icon. - ERROR- there should be.
- If a hub has buying groups (P-OC between two non-producers with ANY) there’s no ‘Shop Now’ - ERROR.
- If a producer has granted a (NONE) hub P-OC, there’s no ‘Shop Now’ icon- WE MIGHT WANT TO ADD THIS.
A Producer Profile could have 3 sections at the bottom:
1- Shop Now At: (For OFN shopfronts)
• If enterprise is OWN or ANY- link to their shop.
• If enterprise has granted any other enterprise that is ANY P-OC, link to this shop (will include hubs and buying groups)
• Open or closed always depending on if the enterprise has open OC.
• “Not in stock” if this producer isn’t in active OC’?
2- Non OFN Stockists:
• A OFN hub profile (a hub that doesn’t have OFN shop)
Trigger = when P-OC granted from producer to a non-producer (NONE) if falls here rather than above. - Not sure if using E2Es is the most logical (just because P-OC gets harder to explain when it means too many things)… if we do the below… it could be added there…
- But if we don’t do the below, we could do it through E2Es as temporary fix.
• Non OFN links. Other ecommerce shops, markets, grocery stores etc.
[Could be added to Manage Enterprise Menu for Producers only- is outside scope of E2Es] - Could be limited to one Ecommerce shop belonging to the producer.
- Or could be broader than that… e.g. MALPN added outlets to their producer profiles included local restaurants and bottle shops for wine, local IGAs for eggs, butchers etc.
- Could have different icons for different outlets.
3- Farm gate sales:
[Could be added to Manage Enterprise Menu for Producers only- tick box, and 1 liner description for opening hours, etc.] - This was a common feature for MALPN profiles.
Example of these suggestions on a profile:
A Hub should have at the bottom:
1- Shop Now At: (For OFN shopfronts)
• If enterprise is ANY- link to their shop.
• How to display buying groups? Should they be in their own category? Or just in one list.
Could recognise P-OC granted from this enterprise to a non-producer ANY enterprises as a buying group relationship.
• Open or closed always depending on if the enterprise has open OC.
2- Non OFN shopfronts:
• A OFN hub profile (a hub that doesn’t have OFN shop, but has another ecommerce or physical outlet)
- Set this up in Manage Enterprise Menu - link to either a website… or the address of their physical shop
… could just be two checkboxes:
- do you have a retail shop?- address?
- do you have a eccommerce shop? address?