Enterprise Management - wishlist


Validation - Active Enterprise

  • Visual indicators for no shipping or no payment methods (colour?)


  • https://github.com/openfoodfoundation/openfoodnetwork/issues/336 :white_check_mark:
  • Create tab for type / settings etc? As Enterprise User w multiple enterprises, I need to be able to see what level my Enterprises are at, and some way to upgrade them e.g. when an enterprise (Fran’s Friendly Farm) is ‘unspecified’ but I have a number of other enterprises, as an Enterprise User I have no way to change its Category (e.g. to none or own)

Shipping Methods index

  • to include summary flag “pick-up” or “delivery”
  • change ‘Hubs’ to ‘Shops and Hubs’

Enterprise Fees

  • Overhaul Enterprise Fees page so that navigation works like shipping and payment
  • If EU doesn’t name the fee, then it says “Fees Updated” but nothing happens. Needs validation message re. required fields
  • Enterprise fee edit: search box obscured

Payment Methods

  • Auth failure if I try to remove myself from a Payment method (as Enterprise User) (still error?)
  • As a restricted user (ie. can only manage a subset of Enterprises) -> if my Hub is the only one listed in the distributors of a payment method, and I then remove myself from that list, this causes me to lose the ability to use and modify that payment method, even my current user created it. (Should be restict access to PMs based on users rather than ownership of particular Enterprises?)

Continuing the discussion from Order Cycle fixes / improvements:

Wishlist Item - search or filter function on the Enterprise Management page.
We’ve got over 90 enterprises (and adding regularly)… which makes for a lot of scrolling.

Hi @lisahill - this is a good idea but also thinking this page will get a fairly major overhaul shortly so not investing too much in it. Also, when I asked for this a while ago @RohanM suggested that I just use Command+F (on a mac) or Ctrl+F (on PC) to pop up the search and then type the enterprise name. So just in case you’re not already doing that

doesn’t help with the scrolling to save problem though I know . .