@Kirsten the Mangopay issue is likely to be a European one as Mangopay is the European leader in multi-vendor payment gateway… @fraschelo in italy said they would need it, @lin_d_hop also for UK, right? @CynthiaReynolds as well for Norway, what about Slovenia @JozeHladnik? Is Mangopay also used there? I think it’s also used in Germany, we can check with @orangeman maybe?
For the VAT/ invoices issue, well connected to mangopay is the problem of being able to print an invoice which is an aggregation of one invoice per producer (that functionnality will go with Mangopay, the hub should choose in its configuration if he want the invoice to be an aggregation… see post here Generating a compilation of one invoice per producer) So this is likely to concern all European countries.
About VAT and the way VAT is displayed in the shops/invoices, it varies from country to country, but I guess that what I proposed here Outstanding Tax Requirements (Jan 2016) should enable to cover any case…
In brief:
- give the choice at the OC level to display VAT in the shop or not (in some countries like France, and I think most European countries, the prices need legaly to include VAT for BtoC sales, but VAT is usually not displayed in BtoB shops, so if the hub sells to professionnals like restaurants, the shop should display prices without VAT. I think it’s similar in other European countries?
- and the incoive appearance should be configurable by each instance, as the rules differ from country to country. For example in France we have some specific mentions that need to appear on the invoice, and we need one line for the total VAT amount for each VAT rate.
Then you’ll see in the discussion the problematic I see in having to decide at the instance level if the VAT is included in prices or not… I think it makes things really unclear for the users and proposed something esle.
Maybe the other European contact people can comment on the discussion on VAT here? Outstanding Tax Requirements (Jan 2016)