As EU, how can I adjust prices after an order has been placed?

Discussion started by @kemmyfoo

e.g. when I am invoiced by a Supplier I find that the price is higher or lower than what I sold it for and I want to pass this on to my customers.

Ideally I would do this from the Bulk Order Management interface as most likely I want to do it for multiple orders. How might I do this?

  • If either the core price or the variant override price changes after the orders are created, this is NOT reflected in BOM interface, it reads from the price at the point the order was created.
  • The price field is NOT editable - it calculates from the weight (using price when order was created)

So the only way to do it currently is to go into each individual order, then delete the line item and add it again so that it pulls in the new price.

Options [both would require feature build]:

  • some way to enable a price change in BOM and apply to X orders e.g. filter by item, select all and apply a bulk action to ‘change price’ or ‘update price’
  • ability to add variants from BOM, so that I could quickly delete all the relevant ones and re-add them to the orders, thus updating the price [n.b. this is also feature request from @timrwtaylor but for different purpose]