I am a student and foodcoop administrator living in Graz, Austria. As I originally come from Munich, Germany, you often could meet me there as well!
In Munich, I co-founded and co-managed two storage-based foodcoops specialized on bulk goods like grains, nuts, oils, and pasta. For managing, we used a complex spreadsheet created by myself, which was very inefficient and unhandy, as we could not find a better alternative.
I even attempted to write my own foodcoop managing software for more than a year, which should contain all the features we demanded. But being a beginner in coding, it has not come far by now.
Now in Graz I’m co-administrating a foodcoop called Krautkoopf, focusing on weekly delivered fresh foods like vegetables.
I am excited to explore what potential OFN could have as a software solution for German/Austrian (or generally European) foodcoops.