Whaooo ! That seems cool @luisramos0 ! Ok I never used those type of tools of course but if I understand well the idea is:
- that as testers we will have some sample data set like the content of this file but that we will be able to update them as we go as we will be trained to ourselves commit PRs to change it. So we can iteratively enrich step by step this data set with what we need and that will be saved somehow for later testings. I like this idea
- then the second point is about writing acceptance tests with the framework tool you propose. Is it like “writing the test cases” we write today in the PR or stories for new features to check if we consider they pass or fail? or in the testing template when we write “test cases”? I’m not super clear about what it would be concretely… would this replace the first dot point about changing sample data through PRs in GH? I guess so. Anyway I feel like it is the good way to go, I guess it would “professionalize” a bit our testing processes
It would be good to “test” FitNesse to see what it looks like and get a more concrete sense of it.