Reports Project

Product vision meeting notes 23/06

Thanks everyone for attending the product vision session which helped us start the priorities and scope to help define roadmap of the 3 routes (In App, BI, API)

Please find a summary below

Final high level summary of prioritisation

  1. Tax report - In App
  2. BI - same servers, different databases
  3. In App (excluding tax report) more analysis is needed
  4. API more input needed from DFC

Tax report

Scope of tax report:

  • Agreed would be in app
  • Orders and order with line items
  • Aggregations: Customer totals, supplier totals, Fee/Tax/adjustment totals, product total, variant totals.
  • Columns: Split values into tax itemisations etc
  • Sum by order for suppliers
    • Order by suppliers (by line item?)
    • product strategy for tax report

Tax report notes

BI (including Product infrastructure)

Options discussed :

  • Super admin only for each instance separately
  • Replica DBs (for each instance)
  • Replica DB that aggregates instances
  • Replicate OFN Enterprise permissions for direct user access

BI notes

  • Decision: Same servers, different databases which allows instances to get data they want (change password)
  • Link to previous roadmap
  • Discuss this in product curation on 30/06
  • Action: Wish list/epic created for these
    • there’s some timestamp parsing issues currently that should be fixed when we move to Rails 4, so maybe we should wait for the v3 rollout
    • the first step is provisioning a new Kafka/Metabase server on a bigger droplet. This is already automated, so it’s a small job, but it needs to be done first
    • the proposed roadmap is now to expand the replication and Metabase stuff to include France, Aus, and Canada

In App

Options discussed:

  • Refactor all existing reports and resolve consistency issues
  • Mega report with the flexibility to show/hide fields for orders with/without line items


  • Is a mega report realistic? Is it possible to maintain something so flexible?
  • Do we need to keep the existing reports? Can we group, cluster and remove superfluous?
  • Performance and resource issues will be key

In App notes

  • Get ‘simple’ requirements from tax report provided first, review and have a follow up


Options discussed:

  • Just refactoring existing reports as per Matts POC
  • Redesigning the json outputs for orders w/out line items

API notes

  • Wait for DFC insight

Summary of Actions and next steps

In App Actions

BI Actions

  • Lynne to create wish list/epic for BI Server (FR, AU, CA)
  • Discuss in product curation on 30/06

HH to create first draft of project roadmap

HH to create draft wider product vision for product team input and review