"Reactive Rails"

I won’t reiterate the arguments were brought so far. I want to highlight the con of having to wait until Rails 5.2 which would sit next to the product priorities we went over yesterday night that are currently in play or coming up next. @luisramos0 estimates seem even too optimistic to me.

I’d also like to mention that Stimulus and Github’s architecture was one of the options that came up in the discourse post about the FE tech which the team seemed to discard in favor of React. I don’t know if that was because we didn’t dig deeper or if we now have details we didn’t have back then.

Re dogfooding, I understand your point about reusing the business logic between API and reflex endpoints but the point about dogfooding the API is writing a client for it ourselves. That’s the only way to know if an API is well-designed: confront your decisions from pov of a consumer. If it fits OFN’s needs it’s highly likely it will cover 3rd parties’ needs.

My general opinion is that OFN will benefit from being on the stable side of tech adopting established technologies where the risk of our decisions is more predictable rather than X company or Y startups are using Z. I’d personally stick to the existing tech strategy as there’s more to it than just the particular language or framework we will use.