Product ordered in bulk

Hi Olivia, hopefully this clears things up…

  1. Correct, the Group Buy Unit Size is the bulk quantity. Its units are in grams, so for a 25kg bulk bag of sugar, you should set the GROUP BUY UNIT SIZE to 25000. (if the product is an liquid, the units are L)

  2. Correct, the customer can set a min value (this is what they will be charged for). They have the option of indicating a max value.

  3. 3.1 correct. The Admin should click on the product of interest, to see the calculator box, which will make this process easier. e.g below

    3.2 Yes, if the Admin adds units to the customer’s order then their balance will rise (and vice versa). If the customer paid at checkout, they will get ‘balance due’ (or credit owed).

3.3 Currently, there is no ‘customer accounts’ feature. So any credit owed, or balance due does not carry forward to the customer’s next order. Until this feature is built, tracking balance due and credit owed is a manual process. This page details the first phase of this feature’s development, however tracking customer balance is yet to be developed (Build customer accounts interface (for enterprise user))

Yes, that is a wishlist item. Would certainly make the feature extra useful!