Hiya @myriam et. al.
We’re happy to do an estimate, but there’s 2 things holding us back on doing this:
We have a very full workload at the moment, standing orders and merging/testing PRs have been taking up the majority of our time, alongside of completing estimates for new work. At present we’re trying to focus on getting version 1 of standing orders out for the community to review, plus there are 2 estimates in our backlog for multilingual switching and also for mangopay payments. Both of those estimates are going to take some time, and the UK have thankfully agreed to pay for those…which leads me to point #2…
We don’t have any cash in the AU core funding bucket anymore to pay for the time it takes for @oeoeaio and @maikel to provide estimates for work
The last few major pieces of work we’ve estimated on have been paid for by @serenity and @Kirsten’s enterprise alongside of the UK team and @oeoeaio donating his time as a representative of his food hub. If you look at the multilingual topic, you can see that @maikel has provided an estimate of the time he will need to come up with an actual estimate for the work. We can look at providing one of these for you, so then you can discuss with @CynthiaReynolds and the UK team about whether there is a way to cover this cost to get the estimate.
OK, long response but I think you can see the constraints we have at the moment. Let me know how you’d like us to proceed, we really want to be as responsive as possible but it’s proving a little difficult at the moment