Order consolidation and split sheets

just quickly scanning and not fully burying my head in this, just wanting to make sure you’ve got relevant links to check if is covered / discussed elsewhere . .

  1. check ‘bulk order management’ - scroll down page at https://openfoodnetwork.org/user-guide/producer-set-up-guide/view-orders-2/ to see it, including video, and also check Bulk Coop Totals by Supplier report here https://openfoodnetwork.org/user-guide/producer-set-up-guide/reports/

  2. i wonder if this is covered by bulk order management, or is the issue that you need to retain the info on what they ordered in the first place? You can update the orders as many times as you like, but you would have to have saved reports to keep record of previous states (as far as I know)

  3. yep I’m pretty sure that’s a new case / feature