OFN global monthly online gatherings - what is their purpose?

Sorry, I’m noticing that we haven’t posted this here as well but I think we mentioned this during the last hangout: someone from product circle will be there each time to update everyone and especially stress the main conversation that needs community’s feedback. This update will spread from priorities to dev and design. So I think we can merge the two lines @NickWeir
We will take turns: each time someone else from the circle will be in charge of this. We will make sure to update the spreadsheet with the correct name each time :+1:

As you already know because you will be contributing @konrad :slight_smile: we are currently re-defining our processes on that topic. This being said, I believe that the monthly global meeting is not a place to ask for new features. This should be done asynchronously. Currently this is why there is a wishlist category here on discourse.
The reason why I think it cannot be in a meeting is that I think OFN global is now too big and doing discussion asynchronously on that topic will be the most effective and especially the most inclusive. All 20 instance cannot have equal time on this during the meeting, and we cannot end up with something driven by the loudest instances among us… But happy to chat more on this topic!

Note that any comment on current priorities are already very much welcomed. You can for example add them under our product-curation notes that should give you the current overview of what’s happening software wise: Product curation meeting #27 notes - 30 November 2020