Global Gathering 2020 - Day 10 Presenting the Data Food Consortium (DFC)

Thanks Rachel.

Re mapping: the global map is something it should be very easy to accomplish with the rest api already. I think the coordinates of the enterprises are already there available. The rest api also have a endpoint to create enterprises so it should be straight forward to read all enterprises from existing instances and load them into a single instance to see that map. A few tweaks to the code may be needed.

Re the engine: I think the core devs now agree the DFC engine should be removed from the main app and moved into a separate github repo and included in ofn as an eternal gem (this is something easy to do, mostly cut and paste the code).

re discussing DFC in product curation, in my opinion, it’s pretty obvious the global budget should be invested in getting our existing rest api into a good level that can be leveraged for so many use cases. We should discuss the work that needs to happen on the rest api in the product curation meeting.
imo having DFC api development in the global team is a diversion of attention we shouldn’t take. I think we can continue to support other devs doing it (like it happened so far).
I think OICD is an exception and can be handled in a different way. Because it’s part of the rest api roadmap, we could maybe get it into our pipe: OpenID / OAuth2 authentication solution for DFC (and maybe more)

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