okey dokey, so now we are in action
When I am logged in (staging1) as admin@openfoodfoundation.org (the accounts distributor), I can now see two auto-generated orders, which have the correct info in them - yay!
So the next steps to get this to be useable seem to be:
1. WHAT do we email to customers?
Whichever way we ‘call’ the email generation, we still need to work out what is actually emailed, as most likely the standard order confirmation email would be pretty confusing. At the moment I can’t see what it actually does so is hard to specify differences.
I started filling in thoughts about this here and realised it needs a page of its own, so please pick up conversation here
Option to print to pdf as well
2. GST / tax
From discussions here we think we want to add GST onto our 2% / $50.
I am hoping that we can do this by making the fee types used to create the adjustments ‘GST inclusive’, just like we’ve done for other fees, but need to set somewhere different I expect. And then we will also need to adjust the actual rates so that they are 10% higher (e.g. 2.2% and $55)
Then hopefully the GST should just magically work, although we’ll need to pay attention to the invoice template
Hard-code vs fields in config
3. How do we generate invoice emails to customers?
We had some discussion about this and agreed that for now they certainly shouldn’t be automatically emailed, but we need to either
have a way to ‘send emails’ from the config / accounts and billing when the invoices are generated, OR once they are generated
be able to send from within the order (‘Resend’ currently causes a grumpy cat
be able to select multiple orders and ‘bulk action’ / ‘send emails’ - which would tie-in with @lin_d_hop’s work on re-doing the Order Index page for more useability Order Management - wishlist