Community Forum for OFN

I vote for email confirmation on user level :smile: It sounds more logical to me the way we are using Spree where one user can manage several enterprises.

I agree with the plan to validate User emails.

If this does happen I would love to see the OFN Guest workflow become the OFN User (with unvalidated email) workflow:

  • user can see the link “Notices”
  • user clicks on link “Notices” and browser opens a new tab with the Discourse homepage, but is not logged in (Discourse doesn’t let users login that don’t have validated email addresses.)

Is that possible?

Hiya @lin_d_hop, @maikel is working on speccing for the user email validation this month (we don’t have it slated to be done yet, not funded, but we figure it’s a good thing to at least scope it), you can keep track of this in GitHub, issue #946 :slight_smile:

Hey Lynne,

That should be possible. Just to clarify:

  • Would you like guests to see the noticeboard?
  • Unconfirmed users are treated as guests and not logged into Discourse (but can see it).
  • Confirmed users can be logged into discourse.

Unconfirmed users are treated as guests and not logged into Discourse (but can see it).
Confirmed user Discourse user can read and write
OFN enterprise user Discourse moderator can edit all posts and users, but cannot add categories or change any site settings
OFN admin Discourse admin can do anything and configure anything on this site

basically a summary of a few options you’ve commented above. Sounds ideal to me.

Find the integration intructions on the wiki…