Alphabetical sorting of products/variants in the Bulk Edit Products/Order Cycle/New Order pages

@luisramos0 today we can order products (not variants) by category (see in shop preference in enterprise setup menu).
There is a whishlist proposal to enable to organise them by producer as well as this has been requested by users: Enable shopfront ordering by producer

but It doesn’t seem that there is a need for variant based ordering in the shopfront.

The need that we understood so far is:

  • on the shopfront to order either by category of producers or producer given my choices, and within that order it’s fine that products are ordered in alphabetical order
  • on backoffice see the products and variants on alphabetical order everywhere

If you think there is a different / complementary need you can open a new wishlist or we can discuss if we need to review some of the current wishlists.

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