Allow other tools to rely on OFN for user registration

I see what you mean now by ‘profile’ @luisramos0. I think in OFN we’ve been using the word ‘profile’ in a more limited way - ie: a user who enters, and can modify, information about themselves and their enterprise (farm name and address, contact info, logos, products,) As a customer user- in ofn my ‘profile’ as you called it, is really just a reflection of the purchases I made on the platform - correct? I mean - that a customer in OFN cannot create, share or change any information other than their user name and password. Correct? I wonder if this is possible i OO? CSAs here, want the functionality where the customer/member can not just buy shares, but can create and modify multiple conditions about their purchase- ie: change my pick up location for this week, nominate someone else to pick up for me and forward them the details, …) This gives a buyer/consumer user more ‘power’ - just as producer/enterprise users have now.
Would be great - every time a customer/member does something like this themselves, it makes the producer’s life a little bit easier.