Kicking off international partner/community monthly discussions

Hi everyone!
Here are the dates for the coming community HO. Some are the regular ones, and some have been added to discuss specifically the global governance design process, topic which will also be one of the focus of the deceleration week (
Times are unchanged Oslo/Paris: 13:00 - London: 12:00 - Melbourne: 21:00 - Johannesburg: 13:00 - North Carolina: 7:00

-8th September (planned monthly HO): we will talk about the values (see first draft here) and the current roles (see model here, still in draft mode). The idea is to share a representation of “what is today”. I invite you to read and comment/edit some first reflexions on the subject here and there.
We will keep 10 min for other updates if needed.
-22nd September: we’ll give an overview on different governance tools and models that could inspire us and give us ideas (we will ask you to share your ideas and models also before that HO!). For information, I’m going to the European Organization Design Forum: Hope it can bring some other interesting sources of inspiration!

  • 7th October: we’ll share at mid-course of the deceleration week the reflexion we had with the mentors about the current design and the different inspirations, and about what permanent reshaping processes could help us develop in a decentralized though organized way our organization, and the governance of our commons.
  • 13th October (planned monthly HO): we’ll take some time for a feedback after the deceleration week and talk about next steps + take time to talk about other subjects we need to discuss together in the monthly HO :slight_smile:
    Governance design is a permanent process that we are opening now, so we need to find then a regular pace to move forward!

Thanks in advance for writting down those dates! I’ll share the link for the hangout on that thread the day before as a reminder :smile:

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