Delivery Circle - February 20th 2024

Discussion topics

Priorities: DFC Orders vs. product refactor

DFC Orders - initially Maikel assigned, but as deadline approached there was the consideration of Gaetan helping out too.
However, product refactor needs to move forward, so Gaetan might be picking this up instead.
This decision is to be confirmed within product circle.

Round of feedback on the new board :sparkles:

Yaay! We got rid of that extra plug-in, and the necessity to reload the screen several time before it takes effect.

Still early to tell much, and figure out exactly what do we views, labels, milestones, columns, etc.


  • Enjoys the views
  • Finds confusing that the connected issues do not follow PRs when moved across columns


  • Feels like sort of a start-up guide is needed
  • Is there a way to see milestones within Projects? Sounds like these are two separate sections.

Round of updates

Working on DFC Orders, import the product catalogue (the user can give the URL and fetch the JSON data an import products; also to have the possibility choose which ones which do not import)

Working on Discovery Portal as well.

No blocked in neither.


Active merchant refactor and bug fix now merged. Added a PR to improve user feedback and logging to the user when voiding payments fails.
Starting to look to product refactor.

Working on Stripe, BUU.

How detailed should be acceptance criteria on design issues? (big question! testing related.)

Went through issues with @dcook and did a estimate on the remaining issues (around 8 days of development).

Also discussed implications of product refactor. Seems, the code base will be adaptable to these changes.

It has been big week on re-designing the Discovery Portal (@mario did a sneak-peak on the 2.0 portal)