Delivery Circle - 27 Feb 2024


Moving from ZenHub to GH Projects

  • Documentation: Filipe will update readme, wiki and Testing Handbook. Also check projects page on WP. Also on Discourse
  • Estimates: don’t currently have ability to add these yet
  • Have we migrated Epics? Yes, current ones are are replaced with Milestones. Are there other old ones?

Also discussed Roadmaps: looks handy for tracking progress and due dates on BUU. David and Mario might look into setting it up.

Currently trialling very lean issue requirement notes due to lack of availability.
David: dev process starts with these notes and design, but also in this case looking at existing component as a reference. So it’s going ok for now.
Filipe: testing process is to check notes left by dev and on issue, also check on feature specs, also exploratory look for other parts of the system that might have changed.

Decision for Gaetan’s progress has gone round in circles, but landed on working on Product Refactor
Also tried to fix the StimulusReflex issue affecting Background Reports and BUU, but no luck yet.

Have multiple PRs open which I really need to clean up…
Also done some extra rubocop cleanup (prompted by closing off another old PR last week)
Priority is BUU, currently implementing Unit Scale select, about 2/3 complete.

Working on VCR specs for Stripe, and moving onto system specs for Stripe.
Challenged by getting Puffing Billy working for mocking and recording browser requests. It’s strange not to find much documentation. But it still looks like the right way to go.
Also it’s the name of an old train :steam_locomotive: :railway_car: