Customers of the Open Food Network have two kinds of account:
their Open Food Network user account; and
their accounts with each Shop or Hub that they have purchased through / are a member of
Open Food Network Customer Account
Their OFN Account is fairly basic (for now), and can be accessed via the cog
See the the discussion in Customer Accounts: for implementation of next phase
UK would like to see the customer accounts feature extended. @Sara specified the following functionality:
Easier ways for enterprise managers to view customer accounts and balances
Customer currently don’t seem to intuitively find this screen with their balance info in
Balance information is not displayed in the shop or checkout process. So customers have no idea if they are in credit/debit or how much they should pay. Since often customers are credited for missing items this is a big problem and customers are not aware of receiving this credit.
@Oliver@Sara do you have more to add before I start to dig into this further?
Thanks for kicking this off, some further thoughts-
When a customer chooses to pay by Paypal they are charged the amount of the order rather than an amount which takes into acount any credit or debit balance.
It’s not very easy for Enterprise Managers to manually adjust an amount paid to make sure that a customer’s balance is correct.
Invoices should reflect any credit or debit balances as some customers pay on receipt of their invoice rather than before they pay so need to know how much to pay.
It would be really handy to be able to print monthly statements for customers, especially shops and cafes.
And the creme de la creme would be a report which shows outstanding balances to chase or refund at the end of the month!