Bulk and group buying - wishlist

ok cool. We will follow process outlined above and at [Set-up and sharing of Wholesalers or Producers with large stock lists]

So, will give @timrwtaylor temporary access to manage products/variants of Food Connect’s producers so that they can add the smaller variant values that they need to offer their customers. Then we will remove this and they will no longer be able to edit underlying products, but they will be able to create variant overrides

You will then have control of the base stock, and can use variant overrides that you set just for Food connect - Wholesale to manage how much can be sold through wholesale shop / order cycle

NB. When BG is using their own variant overrides, sales through their shop will not impact on your base inventory levels.

If I don’t hear from you, I will turn on those permissions on Friday morning so that Tim and Leah can get to it. I’m around all day friday so can call if you want to discuss further?