Analyzing OFN brand as project name for local instances

Hi there!

As already explained in another thread, we’re trying find a way to run an OFN instance here in Spain/Catalunya.

One of the struggles we’re facing is about the project name we should adopt locally as an OFN member. Since 3 years we’re communicating with our community using the name Katuma but now that we’ll probably join OFN contributing with new features like buyers groups etc we see some question raising.

Questions that are buzzing in our heads:

  • Katuma brand has been used since 3 years already and is a bit known in the catalan agro-ecological community. Changing the brand name right before a crowdfunding campaign it’s probably not a good idea
  • Open Food Network brand is in english and here people don’t generally even know how to pronunciate it :blush:, imagine remembering it :joy:
  • OFN associated to a country name can be difficult to manage. OFN Spain is impossible to move in Catalunya or other autonomic regions for instance…

I’ve been talking with @MyriamBoure since in France I expect they can have similar experience and she pointed out that maybe the local instance / member name can be something different than Open Food Network {country name}.

What do you think about something like Katuma, member of OFN?

Could we still use the OFN logo somewhere in the page?

What’s your experience facing this kind of issues? Should we reflect them with some guidelines in the documents under work in threads like the following?

We’re really happy that we took the time to ponder this possibility and we hope we’ll make a positive resolution ASAP.

Many thanks :heart_eyes:


Quick ‘around the table’ chat here in Aus and we think that sounds fine - the whole idea of this project is that people can take it and make it work locally, this is way more important than having ‘our brand’ everywhere we think.

Is obviously something that is not a decision to be made by me, our the people who happen to be in this room right now, and should be discussed either at next hangout . . OR

for quicker resolution maybe make suggested changes to the pledge to cover this case and I’ll pick that up in ‘decision-points’ for accepting the pledge . .

that’s a little bit clunky . . I think we need suggested changes to the pledge as above but also @MyriamBoure @serenity @NickWeir @lin_d_hop are we planning to start using loomio at some point? if yes, perhaps this would be a good thing to use as a first issue as it’s quite quick and easy to define and should be a reasonably quick decision?


Yep, agree with @Kirsten for me it was clear also when I was working on the project in Scandinavia that the name should be localized to talk to the people, but also there is an interest to keep a connexion with the global network brand.
There are various ways to do it:

  • either localize the name and keep the logo, like Open Food France, or Open Food Network UK, with same logo.
  • either you have your own name and logo and write below “member of the Open Food Network” with “Open Food Network” as a logo I would suggest. You can decide where you put that, but I think if you “host” the local public OFN infrastructure that’s also important to be identified as such.

Agree that it’s important to add that in the community pledge document, some info about the use of the brand and of the logo, and how partners can customize the name.

About Loomio I invited you @Kirsten to the group I created a year ago, never used it as there were many things in parallel and I didn’t want to bring in a new tool before we do have a need for it :slight_smile: I’m till not sure if we need, but if we do, and if some other people want to get the feel of it, here is the link:

Thought I would share some experience from Scandinavian instance. Altifrem is the name of the Scandinavian entity, I am hearing more and more that it is confusing producers, and the public in general, especially those in the other nordic countries. We will be deciding at our AGM on redefining ourselves as OFN Scandinavia with a clearer focus on the platform vs toolbox.

Admittedly, we did not have a history/brand like you do with Katuma @enricostn - the idea of ‘Katuma - a member of Open Food Network’ is a really nice solution.

Good luck with your endeavours!

ping @sigmundpetersen