Delivery Circle - 22 Jan 2025

Ubuntu upgrades

OFN BE upgrade is ready to proceed. But it hasn’t been paid yet and there is uncertainty about the future of the instance, there is question if it is worth spending effort on it.

David: I feel that we should proceed to upgrade (there’s not much effort remaining) so that we can have certainty to unblock technical dependencies in the short term.
David to wait for confirmation about funding before proceeding. go ahead with upgrade to ubuntu 20.


Add columns to report


Almost done with bug fix. Next is auto remove items from the cart


To proceed with BE upgrade. Also picking up DFC orders task.


Last week catching up testing.
Discussion about managing test data, to be raised in a new issue.


Have been manual testing, currently blocked on currency update failing to stage on au_staging.


David: controllers and models are pretty important, I’d focus on improving coverage there.
Numbers look promising (high 90%) but it is cumbersome to view, and hard to compare on each PR, to see if the new code is completely covered or not. So Filipe to have a look again at a gem to help reveal coverage on each PR.


Customer list request to sort by tag column.
Tags are used in various ways and it would help to be able to group tagged customers together. Another option is to add a filter by tag for more fine-grained control
This page is using Angular, so either way it seems it’s not simple.

Soft-deleting enterprises
We have a gem installed already to help with soft-deleting, but the relationships with other records are tricky.