White-label OFN Service Providers working with OFN Community

Hi people

I’ve just sat down to do this which has activated the nerdy wordy part of my brain.

It seems that ‘Associate’ is actually slightly looser / less closely entangled than ‘Affiliate’

So we should either use ‘Partner’ and ‘Associate’ or
’Affiliate’ (Partner) and Associate

I don’t think we can use ‘branded’ instance as the definer, as there are some cases like Catalunya/Spain and previously Kandu that may not be branded OFN. There is something more about the values-alignment, purpose and organisation driving that we are trying to identify here (as beautifully outlined by @tschumilas above). And actually after my nerdy dictionary reading, I think the term Affiliate most effectively describes what this is

So I’m now counter-proposing that we use Affiliate (formerly OFN-branded partner) and Associate (non-branded, independent etc)

and because this is my ‘hour of power’ in which I am attempting to get this done, I am going to move ahead and make those changes in the pledge AND I am very happy to redo at a later time if people disagree!

I am also going to have a crack at a very loose attribution statement, that leaves open for further discussion how this should actually happen.

By the time you all wake up and see this the changes should be done here

See also OFN global community agreement / community pledge