I had a call today with some legal experts on data protection laws (see post here General Data Protection Regulation : action plan proposition) so the plan is to pay them for some consultancy based on a list of questions that we have, so that what we decide to implement is aligned with the laws that are being implemente (to avoid redo the job in 6 months…).
Here is the list of questions I thought we could ask, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yaEMB1w0A4PVPB1PBbb97klVclZvx44R6uD_MjNJ_9o/edit?usp=sharing please comment or suggest modifications directly in the document.
@enricostn and maybe @lin_d_hop would you be interested to work with me and the consultants on that ? I need at list one tech people if we want to have meaningful advices and know what’s our plan (so that we can then enter that in our backlog and prioritize…)